Thursday, August 29, 2013


Nigerians have to be careful not to allow ourselves get distracted by the dim-witted but gregarious and verbose displays of people who unfortunately got a good education, little manners and 15 minutes of fame.

We need to pay attention to the upcoming federal and state elections and prepare for them.

It is important that we begin to use every forum to inform would-be office holders that we will hold them to account for the work they are elected to do. 

Lagos, Enugu, Kano and Kansas don't belong to any human being. This entire planet belongs to God. He determines who occupies each territory. If you have been blessed to find sustenance and purpose in a locality, dwell in peace (as much as it possible) with all men there. 

Abraham dwelt in Canaan, traded with the indigenes and probably helped them fight some battles. Yet he preserved His honor by preserving his identity and mandate. Our true uniqueness and our preservation of the same lends us honor among those whom we deal with. There is no mention in scripture of God telling Abraham NOT to let Isaac get a wife in Canaan. I stand to be corrected. It is not his ethnicity that granted him uniqueness - it was the covenant he was in with God.

Likewise we must understand what it is that matters and give that its place in our lives, preserving our true value. As we keep ourselves focused on what really matters, we align ourselves with the purposes of the Kingdom we are loyal to - the Kingdom of God. 

We are effectively neither Nigerians nor Africans - we are ambassadors of heaven - and we need to behave ourselves accordingly. We are on earth to show people how government is run in heaven. When the ambassadors get their job done right, the city rejoices (my re-phrase).

So please pray for Nigeria, ask God what you can do to make this nation better and get to doing it. I've started - have you? 

An intentional life - thankful.

This year I celebrated my ninth year of marriage. I am grateful to God: not for the things He did but for who He is. If may take it further, I'm not just grateful to God for who he is, but more so for HOW He is who he is.

I used to thank God for the things He did, but I've gone past that. I recognized that we experience God only as He shows off His nature - we know Him by the Words He speaks and then by His actions, but eventually, we go past that to find His intentions. The Why.

Officially traditional medical science will say I am susceptible to epileptic fits. I have managed myself rather well over the years as I stand in faith in a state of divine health. I believe God for a fit-free life all my days on the earth.

That said I avoid stuffy environments and strobe lights (they give me headaches).

Today I am thanking God for the unintentional and yet intentional miracle I know as my life. For a person given to too much thinking (cause my synapses are firing very actively), life has thrown me enough curve balls to know that there is a limit to my forecasting, planning and projecting.

Nevertheless I find that by my God, in spite of the curve balls and my own failings, I am experiencing the goodness of God.

Adding to this six years later (June 8th 2019) I still declare God is faithful. He has given me grace to make a success of my path.

I have to confess it's been a struggle - to accept where I am and move forward with and in spite of it.

As I often say, for the Believer, success is inevitable - success is daily living. I refuse to end a day without sowing life into all the fields of my life, towards a beautiful harvest tomorrow.

So I encourage you - don't wait for calm seas and clear skies. Don't count on people to support you. Don't look for anything more than what you already have (within reach) to enjoy your fruitful life.

Jesus said to engage our world (ask and you will receive so that your joy may be complete) He didn't ask us to go add to ourselves before we engage. Whatever you are now is all you need for the next fulfilling step of your life.

Move. Live. Enjoy. Now.