Monday, March 23, 2009

Social Development - Keeping Score

Several months back (this must be more than a year ago), I was driving into Ikeja from Maryland using the Opebi link road/bridge. For some reason, there was a hold up leading IN to Opebi right from the bridge.
Now this happens ocassionally, and some of the more popular causes include an FRSC check point that appears on Opebi right after you make the turn, a police check point that is rather frequent on the bridge itself, or, my personal favorite, an overloaded, rickety tipper truck that has lost control/momentum trying to negotiate the tight inclined U-turn at the end of the street (I empathise with the property owners at that particular stretch, who must have provided the final speed breaker to the trailer/truck as it, against every prayer of its driver, determinedly made its way backward into their fence.) That is another story.
Oh yes! Lest I forget, there is also another near favorite of mine, the impatient twins from different parents who make their way side by side around the U-turn, refusing to allow the other pass, and almost unbelievably, inevitably end up scraping each others' cars and proceeding to engage in the ubiquitous street interchange which I call the 'Do you know who I am' dialogue.
Nonetheless I think all of these options would have suited me quite well on this day in contrast to what I eventually found out was causing the hold up. This hold up by the way stretched into Opebi past our field of vision. Not wanting to bother with the James Bond option of running through the back of Opebi area past the Methodist church and all, I decided to wait it out.
We crawled our way to a bend in the road, and finally caught a glimpse of the obstruction.
Bank PHB had arrived on Opebi to provide not just state-of-the-art but futuristic Banking services to the deserving people of Ikeja. You know Bank PHB, they've got those wonderful commercials that pushed all other Nigerian Banks' commercials into the stone age. They even sponsored a very entertaining reality tv show to challenge Nigerians to aspire to greater things, develop their skills etc. Their vision has to do with the world of Tomorrow, where the impossible does not exist.
I am getting ahead of myself. The road had been constricted from two already suffocating lanes to ONE. Our Bank of tomorrow had commenced construction of their shiny new lego-look-alike outlet when they ran out of space to dump sand. I am guessing that between the construction company and the Projects Division of this Bank of the Future, they happened upon a ground breaking idea - drop this 20-25 tonnes of sand on the street! WOW! I can see all the light bulbs coming on. What a bright idea! Absolutely brilliant!
And they did it! And here we were, crawling our way past, thankful that the situation wasn't worse. The irony in all this; officers of this branch were in my office a few weeks later soliciting my account. You want more irony? The staff in question was an old friend who had just hopped from one bank to this one. With a bit of arm twisting, I opened an account with this same branch. Their services and support.... that is another story. Correction: that is a novel.
Anyway, I did get through the traffic and I lived on to see another day. Bank PHB is here to stay, but this event left a bitter taste and disturbing questions on my mind. As a country are we becoming more accomodating of inappropriate conduct in every sphere of life? Do we speak up when something isn't right? Or do we continue to endure?
I have decided to criticise things about myself and others around me that do not line up with truth and equity. Not too long ago this same institution started running an Ad series that silently compared people providing service with people in positions of 'authority/power', asking whether you would rather be madam Jane or maid Jane?
I cannot agree that these positions are opposites. Service is not the opposite of Authority/Power. You never stop serving. I run my own business, but I work for (i.e. I SERVE) my customers. They call me out regularly, they give me orders, they make crazy demands, and I say yes Sir, no Ma, to them with regularity. In a country where we are trying to get things working, service must not be devalued. 'If everybodi become oga, who go be boy boy?' This is part of the silent concept that people in authority are there to (pardon the local language) 'jollof', while everyone else slaves away in hopeless futility.
The truth however, is that no-one rises without service, and that service never ends.
It is because we accomodate stuff that our leaders can rise to places of authority and work unsupervised, leave office and not give an account of their stewardship. What would the country be like if we had a website that shows every company that has received a government contract, how much of it they did and how much of the contract sum they got paid?
What of state Governors? What if we could put them all on a score sheet and compare funds received with projects executed? How different would our lives be? Some people like to say it is hard to tell what is going on in there till you get in. I say there is a corellation between what we can see and what has been done. Money does not vanish. It moves from hand to hand.
If we cannot at the end of your tenure see X kilometers of roads, X number of hospitals/schools, X number of projects carried out, then you are a failure (AND MUST REFUND THE MISSING MONEY). PERIOD. And the whole country will know it. Then we would be fools to let you enter that office again.
The principle is the same. Keeping score. Personally. In your health. In our office. In your company. In your block of flats. On your street. In your city, state or country. Are you keeping score? If you aren't, start doing it today.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


What are we doing here? Living. Working. Serving. Believing. Being Nice. Being Proper. Being. Just BEing. Its not gonna end is it? Till He says so.

This is one of those contemplative moments that come upon you when you are 'in between' or should I say when you become aware that you are 'in between'

Between a question and an answer. Between a comment and a response. Between departure and arrival.

The way God designed this world, it would appear that the best times for reflection are the 'in-between' moments. As long as life remains, God has done you the favour of ensuring that you will have these moments. As sure as everything has an end, there must be an assessment thereof. So after each event, there inevitably comes reflection time.

So I encourage you today, in your moment of contemplation, to be honest. And when you rise from your contemplation, to ACT on your convictions. This is generic. Matters not your education, your status, your health, your age; all that matters is that you are alive for as the Teacher said, There is Yet Hope for The Living.

You will live and not die. But please live at the top. The air is fresher, the view is wider, the Sun is more glorious, the perspective is liberating and the experience is Life Changing. Go for the Best.

The door is only as shut as you want it to be. Trust me, if you want it bad enough, pay the price and pick it up. Don't wait till tomorrow (as long as the plan of action has been decided) GET UP and OUT NOW!!!