Wednesday, March 11, 2009


What are we doing here? Living. Working. Serving. Believing. Being Nice. Being Proper. Being. Just BEing. Its not gonna end is it? Till He says so.

This is one of those contemplative moments that come upon you when you are 'in between' or should I say when you become aware that you are 'in between'

Between a question and an answer. Between a comment and a response. Between departure and arrival.

The way God designed this world, it would appear that the best times for reflection are the 'in-between' moments. As long as life remains, God has done you the favour of ensuring that you will have these moments. As sure as everything has an end, there must be an assessment thereof. So after each event, there inevitably comes reflection time.

So I encourage you today, in your moment of contemplation, to be honest. And when you rise from your contemplation, to ACT on your convictions. This is generic. Matters not your education, your status, your health, your age; all that matters is that you are alive for as the Teacher said, There is Yet Hope for The Living.

You will live and not die. But please live at the top. The air is fresher, the view is wider, the Sun is more glorious, the perspective is liberating and the experience is Life Changing. Go for the Best.

The door is only as shut as you want it to be. Trust me, if you want it bad enough, pay the price and pick it up. Don't wait till tomorrow (as long as the plan of action has been decided) GET UP and OUT NOW!!!

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