I was recently in an office, waiting to see a friend when I noticed there was a bible on the table. I picked it up and randomly flipped to a page and started reading.
I must confess it was the first time in a while I had of my own volition picked up a bible and read it. Now this bible was I think KJV, but strangely enough that didn't put me off reading it. I think I read from the old testament; Ecclesiates.
I found it easy to calmly study the Word for those few minutes and would have gone on for much longer if my daughter or my friend hadn't interrupted.
Three points here: The room itself was comfortable, quiet and alien making it easy for me to forget myself and my cares; Someone left that Bible there, one way or the other and God was able to reach me through it not to deliver some Word in Season, but just so we could hang out; and finally I was there in that office waiting for an answer to prayer - I was about to be paid for goods supplied (you may laugh, I am laughing myself).
This is life. We are made to worship God. In the midst of that we have a stomach that craves food, a back that needs covering and numerous other cares. I don't like thinking of the cares of this life and worshipping God as being on two ends of a spectrum. I believe that God has this life and it's cares very well figured out. He set the default state of my stomach to 'hunger' so I should at least credit Him with the intelligence to provide or teach me how to acquire sustenance.
So, we worship God with our lives, knowing that He being God has sworn to keep us alive to continue doing so. So for me it is becoming fun to trust God daily. I don't work for anyone in the traditional sense. I work for my customers, a.k.a. I run my own company. Am I here by compulsion, trusting God daily for opportunities? I don't think so, but I do love it.
The reason why I love it is because I am smack dab in the middle of His will for me. It's been a trip. Right now, I have pictures in my head of the Shepherd and the sheep sitting under the shade of some waterside shrubs resting from the heat of the day, with the water running by. I'm the sheep. Dunno where we are, dunno exactly where we are going, but I am with Him. I'm not lost. So, I'm cool. We gist. We chill, we walk, if I miss it, he brings me back with a rod. My greatest joy here is not the grass, or the water - He does provide those - but it is being able to be with my God.
God being God, it's all good.
Catch ya l8r.