The 2019 elections are almost here.
For a long time I have been advising people to get involved in every way that they can. Starting from going to register to get a permanent voters card to joining a political party to engaging political candidates, asking them questions, challenging them about their candidacy and possible time of service if and when they win the elections, I have constantly driven or pushed for people to get involved.
As I write this the 2019 elections are roughly two weeks away for the presidential and a month away for the gubernatorial.
A lot of people think that voting for a new generation candidate is not a good idea. On the contrary I think it is the most important thing that we could possibly do right now for our future.
Some people believe that it will take a long time for a fresh set of people with a greater degree of focus and drive towards results and efficiency to get into political office and serve - I completely disagree with that because as of right now both inside the established political parties as well as in the new political parties there are people of this nature already involved - already campaigning already contesting for political office and several of them will win.
This is not the first time that such will happen several of the younger result-oriented and reoriented Nigerians have made it into mainstream parties and are presently serving even though in the midst of many people who hold the former persuasions about how government should be run.
I believe that we should have a massive upsurge of new generation results-based equity-based candidates and individuals registering in the mainstream and the new political parties for every level of political office in this country. I believe the upsurge should not stop until the point where every single candidate for every single office in both old and new parties is forced to adopt a lifestyle and an ideology of delivering good results, equitable service proper results in their tenure when they get elected.
So for people who are thinking that this is not a good time for a younger or a result-based president to arise or to contest you are very wrong you are delaying your own future because if they do not contest now the message will not go out that this is possible...
We will waste 4 years being deceived being deluded, being delayed. It is better that we have many right-minded, result oriented properly tuned candidates run for the various offices we have in this country rather than wait.
Contesting now builds knowledge and experience in electioneering.
Contesting now makes a statement to the masses who hope that justice and equity will be elevated in this nation, but have no one personify that hope.
Contesting now puts pressure on the poor performers and fraudsters to stay away from public office.
Contesting now puts pressure on INEC to avoid error and fraud.
All fraudsters and charlatans are being warned by the local and international community that they will not sieze the seats illegally, and per chance they do, there will be repercussions within and without the country.
So please encourage everyone who stands up for justice, equity, good governance, free and fair elections, service to humanity with humility, probity/transparency and accountability.
We will have a better Nigeria than we've ever had - it's up to us.